The Math Of Life

We have all spent a few years of our life looking out for the values of X & Y but back then these were important as we had to clear our exams and come out with flying colours to live up to people’s expectations. But as we grow up and graduate, we look back at things and think if those formulas are ever gonna help us in life? Well, they do help us somewhere in life but most of us don’t need the ‘X’ and ‘Y’ who screwed up maths for us as soon as they entered the syllabus.

But as we grow up, we start realising that ‘X’ and ‘Y’ weren’t the toughest problems for which we had to find solutions or let’s just say those were not even problems as compared to the bigger picture that we come across now. So what’s the bigger problem then? Well, fortunately and unfortunately there’s a more difficult problem then the math of school. Let’s just call it the math of life for now.

The problems here don’t start with ‘X’ and ‘Y’, they start with ‘Ex’ and ‘Why’. It’s funny how we applied our own formulas back then in school to figure out the value and now we find it hard to solve these small problems of our life.

I’m not saying we can apply the same formulas here because that wouldn’t make sense but there surely has to be a formula to deal with these problems as well and from what I’ve learnt in the last few years there’s one formula for sure. It is hard to execute that but if you do, you’ll be one hell of a genius in dealing with the problems of life.

Back then we gave a lot of importance to ‘X’ and ‘Y’ and that’s exactly what has to be changed in this math of life. We did additions and multiplications back then but now that it has come up to ‘Ex’ and ‘why’, applying the same formula is just gonna screw things up. So what do we do then?

Well, try shifting the formula. Do subtraction and division instead. Subtract your ‘ex’ and move on. I know it’s easier said than done but just give it a thought, going back in time is fine but staying back just isn’t! Because sooner or later it’s gonna lead you to your next problem which is ‘Why’. And believe me when these ‘ex’ lead to ‘why’ the problems just add up. Live your life the way you want, let bygones be bygones, things happened because you wanted them to happen back then but bringing them back is not the right decision to make.

So here’s one simple formula to solve the problems of our life because unlike the mathematical problems in school, these problems exist in our mind more than they do in reality. ‘When things aren’t adding up in your life, start subtracting‘ – Because that’s how you score a 100% in your life and accept it or not, none of us would ever want to fail in the math of life. We all just want to be a topper because few years down the line the ‘Ex’ and ‘Why’s won’t add up.

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